Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo LLP
Attorneys Dallas & Austin, Texas Lawyers
* Transportation
* Construction Liability and Defects
* Premises Liability/Retail Litigation
* Products Liability
* Insurance Coverage/Bad Faith
* Governmental/Municipal Defense
* Professional Liability
* Commercial and Business Litigation
* Intellectual Property Litigation
* Healthcare Liability
* Labor and Employment
In today's litigious society, more and more professionals find themselves as named parties in lawsuits. The attorneys at Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo, L.L.P. regularly defend professional liability lawsuits involving accountants, architects, attorneys, doctors and nurses, engineers, hospitals and nursing homes, insurance brokers and agents, and officers and directors of various corporations based in Texas. If you or your business need the services of legal counsel relating to any professional liability matter, contact one of the many Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo, L.L.P. attorneys.
Our litigation practice includes general business litigation; insurance litigation; labor and employment; property and casualty: including construction accidents, trucking liability, premises liability, product liability and consumer litigation; municipal litigation, and class actions.
Fee, Smith, Sharp & Vitullo LLP
3 Galleria Tower #1000
13155 Noel Rd
Dallas TX 75240
Tel: 972 934-9100
Fax: 972 934-9200
