G Ward Beaudry
Winn, Beaudry & Winn is consistently rated as one of the top estate planning law firms in North Texas. Our firm represents businesses and individuals in the areas of estate planning and probate, elder law, estate and trust administration and litigation, family business planning, tax law, real estate law, and employee benefits.
* Estate Planning
* Tax Planning
* Probate, Trusts and Estates
* Estate and Trust Litigation
* Real Estate
* Family
* Corporation
* Oil and Gas
* Military Law
* Federal and State Taxation and Administrative Practice
Accredited Estate Planner - National Association of Estate Planners & Councils
G Ward Beaudry
Winn Beaudry & Winn LLP
Thanksgiving Tower #4200
Dallas TX 75201
Tel: 214 969-0001
Fax: 214 969-0005
E-mail: gwb@wbwllp.com
G. WARD BEAUDRY, (P.C.), born Boston, Massachusetts, May 23, 1941; admitted to bar, 1965, Texas; 1969, U. S. Supreme Court, U. S. District Court, Northern and Eastern Districts of Texas and U. S. Court of Appeals, Fifth Circuits. Education: Austin College (B.A., with honors, 1963); University of Texas (J.D., 1965). Phi Alpha Delta. Author: "Administration of the Estate in Texas"; Elder Law in Texas;" "A Practical Guide to Estate Administration in Texas"; “Advanced Estate Planning Techniques in Texasâ€; “Fundamental Problems Procedures in Texas 2005â€; "How to Draft Wills and Trusts in Texas" (2001 & 2004); and “Tax Aspects of Texas Limited Liability Companiesâ€. Speaker: Probate Trusts and Estate Section, Dallas Bar Association, 1985-1987; 1990, 1992, 1995 and 1996. NBI - Administration of the Estate in Texas; 1991, 1993, 1996, 1997, 1999, 2000, 2001, 2003 and 2004; NBI - Elder Law in Texas, 1992, 1994, 1996, 1997, 1999 and 2001; Estate Planning-1998, 2000 and 2001. Tax Aspects of Limited Liability Companies in Texas, 2002; How to Draft Effective Wills and Trusts for Your Clients in Texas-2005; LLC v. LLP in Texas: Which Entity is Best for Your Client-2005; and Medical Assistance Planning-2006. Trained Arbitrator and Mediator, American Arbitration Association and Certified Guardian Ad Litem, Participating Attorney in the AARP Legal Services Network. Member- Dallas (Member Council, 1970-, Section of Probate, Trusts and Estates, 1970; Council, 1980-1986; Secretary and Treasurer, 1982-1984; Chairman-Elect, 1984-1985; Chairman, 1985-1986; Alternative Dispute Resolution Section, 1993), Federal and American (Member, Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law, Litigation and Dispute Resolution Committee and Alternative Dispute Resolution Section) Bar Associations; State Bar of Texas (Member, Section of Real Property, Probate and Trust Law; Chairman, Subcommittee on Claims, 1986-1990; Alternative Dispute Resolution Section); Dallas Estate Planning Council; North Texas Estate Planning Council (Charter Member, Board of Directors, 1997); College of the State Bar of Texas. Life Fellow: American, Texas and Dallas Bar Foundations. Pro Bono College of the State Bar of Texas Sustaining Member, 2003- ___. Accredited Estate Planner, 1995-____; National Association of Estate Planning Councils, 1995; 2005; National Academy of Elder Law Attorneys, 2000-___; Member, College of the State Bar of Texas, 2000-___; [Lt. Col. U.S.M.C.R., 1965-1969]. PRACTICE AREAS: Estate Planning; Probate and Trust Law; Elder Law; Trust and Estate Litigation; Corporate Litigation; Family Business and Succession Planning; Mediation.
