Larry Hance
Types of Matters Handled:
* Divorce
* Custody
* Child support
* Complex property division
* Pre-marital and post-marital agreements
* Access to children
* Same sex parenting rights
* Grandparent access
* Termination of parental rights
* Paternity
* Adoption
At Hance & Wickham, we are focused on helping families resolve disputes peacefully whenever possible. We understand the issues involved in family law start with the law but involve much more. Divorce, custody, child support and grandparent access are also matters of the heart. Obtaining favorable results for our clients out of court is a hallmark of our firm. For our clients, we consider the court to be equivalent to an emergency room. You don't want to be there unless you have to be.
However, in the event the courts are necessary, we believe our ability to aggressively pursue our clients' rights while maintaining a 'high road' approach has provided better outcomes from the courts.
Fellow - American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers
Larry Hance
Hance & Wickham PC
2 Lincoln Centre
5420 LBJ Fwy #626
Dallas TX 75240
Tel: 469 374-9600
Fax: 469 374-9699
Larry Hance is Managing Partner of the Dallas law firm, Hance & Wickham, P.C., where he practices exclusively family law, including litigation, mediation and Collaborative Law. He received his Juris Doctorate from the S.M.U. School of Law and became licensed by the State Bar of Texas in 1980. He has practiced law in the Dallas area since that time.
Mr. Hance became Board Certified in Family Law by the Texas Board of Legal Specialization in 1985. From 1988 through 1990, he sat as the Associate Judge of the 301st Family District Court in Dallas County. He has completed the statutory training and has acted as a mediator in family law matters since 1990. He has completed advanced mediation training with the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers and the Harvard Law School Negotiation Project. He is a co-founder, and President, of the Collaborative Law Institute of Texas.
Mr. Hance is a Fellow of the American Academy of Matrimonial Lawyers. He is a member of the American Bar Association Family Law Section, where he has worked on various committees. He is a member of the State Bar Family Law Section. He was a member of the State Bar Grievance Committee from 1989 through 1996, where he served as panel chairman. He was admitted to the College of the State Bar of Texas in 1988, and continues to be a member. He was on the Board of Directors for the Dallas Bar Association, Family Law Section from 1988 through 1996, and was the Chairman during 1995. He was a recipient of the Dallas Bar Association Private Bar Involvement Award in 1991. He is a Fellow of both the Dallas Bar Foundation and the Texas Bar Foundation. He is also a Master in the American Inns of Court. He was selected as one of Dallas' top 11 family lawyers by D Magazine in 2003 and a Texas Monthly Super Lawyer in 2003, 2004, 2005, 2006, 2007 and 2008. In 2008, 2009, and 2010 he was nominated and named to the Best Lawyers in America.
Mr. Hance has spoken to various groups and organizations throughout the State of Texas regarding family law. These include continuing legal education seminars for the State Bar of Texas Professional Development Program, the Dallas Bar Association, other local bar associations, Judicial Conferences, Texas Legal Services, the Houston Law Foundation Family Law Practice Seminar, the University of Texas School of Law Continuing Education Program, and the Association of Family and Conciliation Courts on topics including: Alternate Ways of Handling Family Law Matters, Collaborative Family Law, Practice before Associate Judges, Dealing with Family Violence, the Forensic Psychologist in Family Courts, Significant Family Law Decisions and Legislative Updates, Conservatorship, Discovery, Trial Preparation, Gender Communication Issues, Mediation Techniques, and Ethics in the Drafting of Documents. He was also a co-author of the Parent's Guide to the Dallas County Family Court System.
Mr. Hance is a native of Dallas. He is married to Jill and has three children: Ryan, Braden, and Macy. He was a charter member of the Rockwall County Sheriff's Posse. He enjoys fly fishing, reading, doing everything with the kids, skiing, and spending time in the outdoors.
