Sharpe Tillman & Melton PC
Fort Worth Attorneys, ROLDA & CLDA Attorneys
Sharpe Tillman & Melton was formed in 1988 and through the years has served a wide variety of clients in many areas of law. The firm has been and is now involved in general civil practice, at trial and appellate levels, in state and federal courts. Many cases have been resolved in our clients’ favor without the need for litigation. Most of the cases that were handled at the trial court level have resulted in decisions we sought for our clients. Most of the cases that have been resolved upon appeal resulted in “published opinions.†These opinions, some by the Texas Supreme Court, set “precedent†for future lawsuits. They are “authoritative†and are at the ready to guide court decisions in similar, fact-specific cases.
General civil practice encompasses a broad spectrum of law. To follow are examples of kinds of cases we typically handle - whether by negotiation or complex litigation:
* Insurance Defense
* Wrongful Death
* Constitutional Rights: Freedom of Religion; Freedom of Speech; Equal Protection
* Contract Disputes
* Personal Injury
* Consumer Disputes
* Products Liability
* Media Issues
* Medical Negligence
* Estate Planning & Probate
* Premises Liability
General civil practice often involves advising clients how to avoid becoming embroiled in disputes. Having seen the adversarial side of the law, we at Sharpe Tillman & Melton offer preventive consultations concerning contracts, handbooks and policy manuals, hiring and terminating practices, myriad safety of persons and property warnings, for just a few examples.
Interestingly, since its inception, Sharpe Tillman & Melton has developed a specialty in representing religious organizations and their members. Religious organizations are unique in several regards. They are called by faith to advance a religious message. This calling results in unique polities and governance and, often, in values and practices that may be contrary to secular culture and the civil laws of that culture. Because churches, synagogues, and other religious organizations teach particular beliefs and high ethical standards, any departure from those teachings may give rise to scandal and potential civil liability. In certain cases, the actions or inactions of the religious organization are protected by this country’s constitution — a legal speciality of Sharpe Tillman & Melton.
Attorneys at Sharpe Tillman & Melton serve religious organizations and their members with great sensitivity to each one's distinctive characteristics and with knowledge and experience regarding their particular legal rights and status.
Sharpe Tillman & Melton PC
6100 Western Pl #1000
Fort Worth TX 76107
Tel: 817 338-4900
Fax: 817 332-6818
